Be'er Mayim

Don't wait to achieve your goals. Enroll now in our online courses.

Our courses are educational, easy to complete, and self-paced.

Once your application is approved, you can chat with an advisor to create a plan for your schedule and academic goals. Our advisor will guide you to success in our program and keep you on track for graduation.

Our Seminary offers expert-led courses in 5 categories to enhance your Jewish learning.

Jewish Law
Jewish Culture
Biblical Literature and History
Jewish Thought and Philosophy

Join our courses in-person or via Google Classroom to learn from home. Connect with instructors and peers, complete assignments, and receive feedback without interruptions. Start learning today!

3 Credits

Hebrew Language

Hebrew Language

3 Credits

Course Description

Modern Hebrew is an important and necessary tool to possess. This course gives students the tools needed for easy and effective communication in the Hebrew language. No matter what level of Hebrew proficiency you are on, there is a lot to be gained from this course!
Instructor Ms. Efrat Chaimov
3 Credits

History: Perspectives On Jewish Creative Expression Throughout the Ages

History: Perspectives On Jewish Creative Expression Throughout the Ages

3 Credits

Course Description

Objects of beauty are an integral part of Judaism. In this course, students will explore the concept of beauty from a Torah perspective, beginning with the history of Jewish ritual objects. Students will also learn about select Jewish craftsmen and artists, as well as the meaning behind many Jewish monuments that exist today.
Instructor Rabbi Avraham Pollack
3 Credits



3 Credits

Course Description

Since the time of David Hamelech, Tehillim has been a universal tool for the Jewish people. This course will delve into the meaning behind different Perakim of Tehillim, and highlight the eternal power of Sefer Tehillim, and its accessibility to every Jew.
Instructor Mrs. Ahuva Hunter
3 Credits

The History of Jewish Music

The History of Jewish Music

3 Credits

Course Description

Music plays an integral role in Jewish life. This course takes students on a musical journey through the ages. It explores the diverse and rich traditions of Jewish music spanning biblical times to the present. The course surveys iconic melodies of religious expression and historical singers. It highlights the instruments known from the First and Second Temple and how they were utilized. The course will also delve into the history of liturgy for prayer and cantillation of the Bible.
Instructor Rabbi Yaakov Kohn
3 Credits

Topics in Devarim

Topics in Devarim

Course Description

Sefer Devarim, the last of the 5 Chumashim, covers many important topics that are important for every G-d fearing Jew to review. This course highlights select topics in Sefer Devarim, such as the Mitzvot of Teshuvah, Tzedakah, and Zechirat Amalek. Students are given the opportunity to explore the nuts and bolts of these Mitzvot, as well as how they are practiced in everyday life.
Instructor Rabbi Zev Klainstein
3 Credits

The Torah Portion

The Torah Portion

Course Description

In this hands-on course, students will be given the opportunity to create their own unique lesson on the Parsha. This course provides the guidance and tools necessary for effective lesson planning, along with sample lessons to help get those brain wheels turning. Your Parsha journey starts here!
Instructor Mrs. Chavi Spero
3 Credits

The Book of Kings  

The Book of Kings  

Course Description

Sefer Melachim spans a fascinating era in Jewish History- the era of the Kings. This course offers a Perek-by-Perek breakdown of Sefer Melachim’s storyline, along with some of the Mefarshim that explain it. Students will get a glimpse into the kingship of various kings, from David Hamelech, to Shlomo, to Yeravam- all the way through king Achav.
Instructor Mrs. Ahuva Hunter
3 Credits

Sefer Bereishit  

Sefer Bereishit  

Course Description

Sefer Bereishit, the first of the 5 Chumashim, covers vast and fascinating topics, beginning with the creation of the world. This course explores the world’s creation and history of the Jewish nation by covering select topics in Sefer Bereishit. Students will gain a deeper appreciation for many of the already fascinating topics in Sefer Bereishit.
Instructor Rabbi Zev Klainstein
3 Credits

Sefer Yonah   

Sefer Yonah   

Course Description

The story of Yonah has been well-known for generations. In this course, students will gain a deeper of Sefer Yonah by learning the storyline in depth. They will understand the connection between Sefer Yonah and Teshuvah, as well as the Sefer’s practical implications for everyday life.
Instructor Rabbi Chaim Stern
3 Credits

Megilat Esther  

Megilat Esther  

Course Description

In this course, students will learn about the Purim story from a fascinating angle by exploring the storyline and lessons of Megilat Esther from a Midrash point of view. This course offers a detailed, Midrash-style overview of each Perek in Megilat Esther, bringing the already beloved Purim story to life. 
Instructor Mrs. Chana Eisen
3 Credits

The Tana’ic Period

The Tana’ic Period

Course Description

Jewish History is a vast and fascinating topic, with many facets and time periods to be explored. Centered around the era post-Churban Bayit Sheini, this course focuses the major events of the time, including the re-establishment of Sanhedrin in Yavneh and the Bar Kochba Rebellion. It also highlights major Torah personalities such as Rabbi Yochanan Ben Zakkai, Rabbi Gamliel of Yavneh, and Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi.
Instructor Rabbi Zev Klein
3 Credits

Pirkei Avot

Pirkei Avot

3 Credits

Course Description

Who wrote Pirkei Avot? When do we read it? What is it all about? This course explores the answers to these questions, and highlights select verses from Pirkei Avot and their meanings in depth.
Instructor Mrs. Esther Cohen
3 Credits

Igeret Haramban

Igeret Haramban

3 Credits

Course Description

There is so much to learn from the letter written by Nachmanides to his son. This course explores these lessons and how they can be applied to every Jew’s life. Beginning with an introduction to Igeret Haramban, and then moving on to the actual text and its practical applications, Igeret Haramban will take on more meaning than ever before. 
Instructor Mrs. Ahuva Hunter
3 Credits

Laws of Kosher

Laws of Kosher

3 Credits

Course Description

Students will gain an understanding of how to keep a Kosher kitchen, which animals are Kosher, the laws of milk and meat, and much more. This course begins by exploring the answer to the age-old question of “Why keep kosher?” It also offers general Kashrut information, including a guide to Kashrut symbols, separation between fish and meat, and a thorough explanation of Kashrut when it comes to restaurants.
Instructor Rabbi Danny Shapiro
3 Credits

Laws of Speech

Laws of Speech

3 Credits

Course Description

This course offers clarity and insight into laws of speech from a Torah perspective.The coures begins with a general introduction to the topic of Shemirat Halashon, and then moves on to discuss the powerful tool of speech that every person possesses. The final segment of the course delves into the practical, everyday laws of speech and how to incorporate the into everyday life. Instructor: Rabbi Leib Walfish
Instructor Rabbi Danny Shapiro